Web Marketing:

Where can I get backlinks for my blog?

Chapter 3

Hello Everyone, This is Techy hreedaya. Currently working as freelancer, Digital marketer and affiliate marketer for many multinational organizations. 

I'm here to guide you about digital marketing.

Backlinks are hyperlinks from someone else’s website to yours. And they’re a necessary part of any good search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

Backlinks are hyperlinks from someone else’s website to yours. And they’re a necessary part of any good search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

While Google likes “natural” backlinks that arise organically over time, you can definitely speed up the process by using any one of the following tactics.

1. Conduct email outreach

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e-mail outreach

Email outreach is the process of reaching out to key figures and site owners via email and requesting a backlink. A majority — 37.5% — said that link outreach was the best way to get backlinks in a survey of our Growth Marketing Pro readers.

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Compile a list of contacts

Step 2: Reach out

Step 3: Follow up

2. Guest posting

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Guest posting

Guest posting is the practice of writing an article and publishing it on another website. It can help you build high-quality backlinks and reach a new audience online.

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Use Google to find sites that accept guest posts

Type in the following queries on Google:

Your keyword + “Write for us”

Your keyword + “Become an author”

Your keyword + “guest post”

3. PR

Press is one incredible way to garner backlinks. Think about how many times you or your business generate small nuggets of news. Perhaps you redesigned your site, came up with a new product, or hired a noteworthy executive. All of those moments are opportunities to create buzz and get some backlinks. If you’re serious about SEO, you must take advantage of those opportunities.

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Come up with the story

Step 2: Create a press release

Step 3: Find other editors and bloggers who might be interested

4. Reverse guest blogging

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Reverse guest blogging is when you get influencers in your industry to write guest posts for your blog. Getting others to write for your blog can boost your credibility. 62.96% of readers perceive blogs with multiple contributors as more credible.

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Compile a list of contributors

Step 2: Reach out to them

Step 3: Publish the content

5. Create a blog

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Create a Blog

A blog is a site that gets regularly updated with new content. Publishing great content can help you build brand awareness, get content indexed in Google, and get backlinks… particularly if you’re writing really insightful, professional staff.

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Create a blog

Step 2: Write your content

Step 3: Publish and promote

6. Publish an ultimate guide

An ultimate guide is a comprehensive article that covers everything on a particular topic.

They take more work to write than a standard blog post, but they generate more backlinks.

I hope I have answered your question and if you feel like I have helped you in any way please give support and upvote.

Thanks for Reading

Techy Hreedaya

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Thank You For Reading.

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